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Amy Lane

Anam Cara

End-of-Life Doula Services

Friends with:

CT Death Collective.png

Walking You Home

Use the contact form below to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

Upcoming Events:

Virtual Death Cafe

A one-hour virtual gathering of death curious individuals.

October 24th, 2024


Anam Cara means Soul Friend

One thing we know about death and dying is that whether you are the person leaving or staying behind, each person walks a different path.  It is also a space of enormous work and transformation for everyone.  


From the moment of diagnosis, the End-of-Life Doula assists, supports, and works alongside the dying and their loved ones to create an experience that honors and celebrates a life lived.

End-of-Life Doulas are not medically trained, however they are trained professionals that provide practical and emotional support.  Death Doulas work along side medical professionals to provide a holistic approach that allows for feelings to be felt and exploration to take place.


About Amy 














Amy studied under Henry Fersko-Weiss, who is a pioneer in the End-of-Life world. In addition to her End-of-Life Doula work, she is a Healing Touch Practitioner, a Hospice volunteer, a Reiki 3 Master and Teacher, and is a trained Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, which she brings into her practice when called for.



Use the contact form below to set up your free 30-minute consultation.

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Services are provided in-person and virtually.
Business Meeting at a Cafe

Education and Planning


No matter how long one's stay is on planet Earth, dying is the experience of a lifetime,  Anam Cara will provide helpful information for the dying and their loved ones with what to expect as they they move through the death process.


Anam Cara can also assist with practical matters such as preparing Advanced Directives, organizing relevant  documents, and after death care and celebratory and burial options.

Couple Holding Hands

Life Review and Legacy Projects

Life Review

Life Review is a time to look back with perhaps new eyes and take stock.  Amy provides open space and guidance for those who wish to deepen their dying experience by exploring life themes.  

Legacy Projects

Legacy Projects are tangible creations that celebrate the dying person.  The product can be whatever seems appropriate and is a gift, not only for the dying, but their loved ones.  This project can be started at anytime during the death process and can be added to or passed on.  

Flowers & Candle

Personalized Rituals
Vigil Care


A Ritual is a beautiful and solemn ceremonial expression that signals that the dying person is close to transitioning.  Whether it is a traditional ritual or a newly created ritual, Anam Cara will assist the dying person and their loved ones in in the planning, preparation, carrying-out of the ritual.  It can be as simple as ringing a bell to more lengthier actions.


The Vigil is the period of time when loved ones watch over their dying person in the final hours.  Anam Cara is available for bedside presence and to offer emotional support to love ones.  



Loy Krathong

*Anam Cara Work

Anam Cara is a beautiful term that when translated from Celtic to English means "Soul Friend".  The soul is doing great work here as it prepares to leave the body and  move forward,  As a soul friend, Amy will hold space and connect with the departing soul, while providing comfort, gentle encouragement, and direction for the soul to peacefully exit and move on.  Please note that Anam Cara is not affiliated with a specific religion, but can certainly respectfully work with other spiritual traditions and religions as requested.

Arm Around Shoulder

Grief Support

Grief is normal and is part of any loss. For the dying person, grief begins when they begin to

mourn their life, future experiences, and loved ones they will be leaving.  Anam Cara will provide opportunities to express their grief and acknowledge their feelings in a safe and openhearted space.

Anam Cara will also be available to those close to the dying as they move through thoughts of impending loss and the grief that they will experience after their loved one has died.


Healing Touch

Healing Touch uses gentle, light

or near-body touch to clear,

balance and support the human

energy system.  This evidence

based practice is a complimentary integrated energy therapy

that can be used in conjunction

with traditional medicine. 

Healing touch is especially helpful

at end-of-life as it provides pain

relief, eases stress, and brings a

bout a sense of peace.  

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